miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

The fight for land :)

       Native Americans descendants were the first group of people to live in the United States. When the white American settler came the Native Americans were already living there. Native Americans were hunters, fishermen and farmers. They treated their land wisely and with respect. This essay will describe how the Native Americans were forced to move out of their land.
      Sioux Treaty of 1868 was peaceful agreement between the U.S. government and the Native Americans .It stated the ownership of some land to the Native Americans. The treaty was broken when the government allowed non- Indians to moved into the area after hearing rumors of great minerals and wealth in the Indians land. In 1851, the United States Congress passed the Indian Appropriation Act this act stated the authorized of the creation of Indian reservations this gave more land to non-Indian settlers.
    The Indian reservation camps were small areas of land within a group territory that was reserved exclusively for Native Americans. The U.S government soon started forcing Native Americans to give up their land and join the reservation camps. The Native American in the treaties they sing they were offered protection, food, farming tools, medicines, education and yearly payment. Of course most of things that were promised to the Indians weren’t completed by the U.S and some of the supplies never reached the reservations. Also most of the Indians didn’t understand what they were singing due to the language differences.
     Many of the tribes were angry with the U.S government for their dishonesty and unfair treatment to the Indians. This resulted in many wars like was the Battle of the Little Bighorn on June 26, 1876.In this battle General Cluster and his men fought against the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho, led Crazy Horse, Gall and Sittings Bull. This was a victory to the Native Americans and a big lost for the white Americans who lost the battle and General Cluster. Later Sitting Bull and his tribe settle in Canada he refused to go to the reservation camps and surrender. But this didn’t last long since he and his tribe were starving and many were dieing they decided to go back and live in the reservation camp.
    In conclusion the U.S government forced the Native Americans to give up their land. The U.S government made them sign treaties that promised the Indians many things that were never given to them. Do to the dishonesty of the government and the bad treatment they gave the Native Americans many tribes were angry. This conflict resulted in many battles between the Native Americans and white settlers.

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