miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Journal of Antonio Ferrero an Italian immigrant

Today,April 26 1892 I am sitting in the floor with many cockerroaches passing a side of me.I have work very hard this two years and still I haven't save all the money I need to go back with my family.Italy was very overcrowded and I decided to come to the U.S looking for better oportunities and escaping from low wages and high taxes.

Every day I tell to myself ''Antonio Ferrero you are going to do oit,just have faith''.I do all this for my family.I have my wife and my two daughters in Italy.They are my inspiration and motivation to continue waking up everyday and work until I have earn.They were days I stopo eating to earn more money.I could imagine every time food and I suffered a lot but I just started doing diffrent things to clear my mind.

I work shining shoes and other dirty jobs.I would be rejected by some people  when I started talking.At job I wouldn't talk to much because they would know I am italian.Almost every immigrant would be rejected but like I am white they wouldn't think I immigrate.I am a catholic but the catholic church was dominate bt the Irish.

I will continue working hard and passed days in hunger,but I will save enought money to go back with my family.I know I will succed.Later on I will see all my progress because I have seen some Italians who have live as me and today all their dirtiness have dissapear.I just need to focus and I will get to my goal.

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